Our Ministries

Christian Education

Come and fellowship [currently in person only] with us every Wednesday night at 6:30 pm for Bible Study as we cover various topics of the bible and how it's applicable to our everyday lives. These sessions are designed to be interactive so please come ready to learn, ask questions, and have dialogue.

Current Topic: The Bait of Satan (the Spirit of Offense)

Men and Women’s Ministries

Iron-Sharpening-Iron is the mantra of the brotherhood. They meet monthly for fellowship and to strengthen one another.

The Moments of Blessings Women of Excellence have special services every 5th Sunday and proudly support our Woman of Worth geared towards our young ladies.

G10 Young Adults*

Soaks: 1st Fridays from 6:00-7:00 pm, in the sanctuary.

They're active participants in ministry & training for leadership for this generation in ministry.

IG: g10_ministry

*Currently on hiatus

Altar Workers

Health & Fitness Ministry

Jail/Prison Ministry

Music Ministry


Children’s Ministry

Hospitality (Food Services)

Marriage Ministry

New Members Orientation

Worship and Arts



Media Ministry

Pastoral Care


Discipleship Training


Ministerial Training

Singles' Ministry